Yesterday (January 18th) WooCommerce released a new version, say hello to WooCommerce 2.5 “Dashing Dolphin”. More details about what is new in the current version you can read on their side, they for sure did some major improvements in this new version.
Although, a lot of effort has been made to release it (the wild! 2.5 has been in development for ~5 months and has seen around 1600 commits from 42 contributors.) a small but significant error was missed.
Since we do have some beautiful premium WordPress themes created to be compatible with WooCommerce, every time an update is available we have to make sure that our Themes won’t conflict with the new version and our end users won’t freak out that their shop is not working.
Thus, while inspecting the code we found out a conflict within the template Changes
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare woocommerce_template_loop_category_title() (previously declared in theme/functions.php:606) in wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php on line 532
They had a typo when checking for existing functions in `/includes/wc-template-functions.php` file, on line 532.
We reported this issue in WooCommerce’s repository on github and got the answer that it will be fixed in 2.5.1.
Also, Twitter API has some issues starting from this morning. Some of it’s endpoints are not reachable. Thus, our themes that use Twitter widgets are affected and will have errors on pages. These shall be fixed once the API is up and running again.
Waiting for their status update ( if you get an error loading the link please refresh it until you get API status – still an issue from their side).