A wise man once said that one is truly living only while travelling. However, it is not necessary to understand the expression literally. Its meaning is much wider than filling your smartphone’s memory with the photos from different countries, and purchasing another refrigerator for a bunch of new magnets from places you’ve visited. Changing the type or the field of activity is also a kind of journey. It’s my time to start a new journey and experience a new taste of life, the taste of WordPress.
Let me introduce myself – Kate, the new member of the TeslaThemes team, that creates premium WordPress themes. I’m coming from FinTech – a new and rapidly developing sphere of provision of financial services online. Thanks to the cutting edge technologies you no longer need to visit your bank’s physical office or even online banking. You can stop keeping records of the income and expenses in an excel table and use your grandma’s “envelope system”, signing the envelopes as “Utilities”, “Groceries” or, God grant, “Ferrari”. All your finances are kept in your smartphone. Convenient? Yes. Safe? Absolutely. Bank level encryption is a serious, trustworthy point.
Although I am deeply excited about the dynamism and innovativeness of FinTech and its ingenious ways of simplifying users’ lives, it is quite a strict and serious field. It is much more related to numbers and math than it may seem from the outer side of the simple and pleasant facade, created by marketers and designers. Eventually, when it comes to finances, jokes are inappropriate.
In its turn, WordPress, with its undoubtedly professional contributors, is a much nicer-looking business from a purely aesthetic point of view. WordPress themes are pleasing to the eye with their beauty, juicy colors, elegant design and tons of really useful features that anyone can apply to their blogs or websites. I’m a girl, and girls love everything beautiful. So, my choice of the next destination is easy to understand. I’m an experienced digital marketer, fond of social dancing, reading and discovering cool and really useful stuff. I’m totally in love with WordPress at first sight and ready to deepen our relationship. I always count on serious relationship with those, who I am in love with
Nowadays if you aren’t on the internet, you don’t exist for the rest of the world. No blog – no professional, no website – no business, no landing page – no sales. And, as it’s known virtually to everyone, the first impression is the last impression. So, the appearance of your web-page is extremely important. Now tell me, how could I stay away from such a topical issue, as high-quality WordPress themes? Absolutely impossible. Am I a professional or am I not? I like to be in the thick of things.
Eventually, it’s an excellent way to gain recognition and please my ego
I like marketing, I like WordPress and I’m eager to help you overcome pitfalls on your way to your brilliant online business card – a good-looking, well selling website. I’ll lead you through WordPress details, trends, and the widest possible choice of perfect themes for your purpose.
So, WordPress world, meet your new evangelist!
Stay tuned and drop me a message below,
12 Jan 2017kate
13 Jan 2017Julia
12 Jan 2017kate
13 Jan 2017Anty
12 Jan 2017kate
13 Jan 2017lynecker
14 Feb 2017